Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Bilaspur chapter-Report of Shakespeare seminar

Shakespeare Alive 2016

National Seminar

Reframing Shakespeare in the 21st Century
13th August 2016


            The national seminar “Reframing Shakespeare in the 21st Century”  under the aegis of Shakespeare Alive 2016, organised by ELT@I Bilaspur Chapter and D.L.S.PG. College, Bilaspur was held on 13th August 2016 at D.L.S. PG. College, Bilaspur.
            The seminar had an impressive inaugural with distinguished guests gracing the occasion. The Chief Guest of the session was Dr. G. D. Sharma, Vice Chancellor, Bilaspur University; Chairperson – Prof. R. V. Shukla, Retd. Professor of Botany;  Keynote Speaker, Dr.AmolPadwad,  J. M. Patel College, Bhandara (M.S.); and Special Guests – Mr.Basant Sharma, Chairman, Governing Body, D.L.S. PG. College, Bilaspur and Mr. Ashok Joshi, Principal, D.L.S. PG. College, Bilaspur. The session commenced by paying homage to Goddess Saraswati and lighting the lamp. The Guests on the dais and off the dais were then presented saplings which were later planted in the college garden. The guests were introduced by Mrs. Rima Dutta, Faculty, D.L.S. PG. College. Dr. G. A. Ghanshyam, National Vice President, ELT@I presented the Convenor’s address. He spoke about the Shakespeare Alive 2016 and the significant role that Shakespeare plays in learning the English language. In his welcome address Mr. Joshi welcomed the guests and the delegates to the seminar and wished them a fruitful day ahead.  Mr.Basant Sharma praised the initiative and efforts of team ELT@I. Prof.Shukla pointed out the eternal charm of Shakespeare and the importance of language. The Chief Guest, Dr. G. D. Sharma revealed his vision of teaching beyond the confines of classrooms and stressed on the need of developing imaginative faculty that is mostly associated with arts and literature among the students. The session came to an end with the vote thanks rendered by Mr.Parth Sharma who thanked the guests, dignitaries, delegates and staff of D.L.S. PG. College.
            The inaugural session was followed by the key note address by Dr. Amol Padwad, entitled “Selfie with Shakespeare”. The session was chaired by Dr. Gulshan  Das, coordinated by Dr.Prasenjit Panda and Dr.Tanjeen A. Khan was the rapporteur. Dr. Padwad discussed the inspiration for his presentation through a discussion of the Michael Pennington’s article and a selfie with Shakespeare taken by college students. Going back to the precursor of the popular selfie, the “Patel Shot”, Dr. Padwad discussed the eternal popularity of Shakespeare and the challenges in teaching his plays to the students.
            The first technical session of the seminar had 09 paper presentations and was chaired by Dr. Amrita Kasture and Mr.Shailesh Mishra was the rapporteur. Topics ranging from a re-reading of the plays of Shakespeare from a post-colonialist stance; unearthing of racism to a discussion of the translation of the plays; defeminizing of Lady Macbeth; contemporariness of female characters to a cinematic adaptation of Hamlet. The session presented an eclectic collection of articles that touched upon the various multitudinous aspects of the playwright’s works.
            The second session of the day, scheduled after lunch also presented many more aspects of the dramatist’s vision and art. The session had 07 paper presentations and was chaired by Dr.Jyoti Patil and Mr.Vidya Bhushan Sharma was the rapporteur. The topics covered by the presentations ranged from Shakespeare’s attitude towards life, to his undying popularity, the presence of wit, poetic beauty and analysis of his women characters.
            A highlight of the technical sessions was participation by research scholars and postgraduate students, whose active participation, interest and insight enlivened the scholarly deliberations. The presentations were judged for two best presentation awards by the jury – Dr. Gulshan Das and Dr. Basumati Nadig.
            The seminar came to its culmination with the Valedictory session in the evening. Mrs. NiharikaBarik, IAS, Divisional Commissioner, Bilaspur, was the Chief Guest and Dr. Sheela Tiwari, Retd. Principal, Govt. Bilasa Girls’ College, Bilaspur was the Chairperson of the session. Mr. Basant Sharma, Chairman, Governing Body, D.L.S. PG. College, Bilaspur and Mr. Surinder Singh Chawla, Director, Career Point World School, Bilaspur were the Special Guests. The session began by presenting the dignitaries on the stage with saplings. Mr.RakeshDighrasker presented the report of the seminar. The prize distribution of the Inter-School Competitions held as a part of commemorating the 400th Death Anniversary of William Shakespeare – Shakespeare Alive 2016 was carried out next. Mrs. Barik gave away the prizes for Oratory, Drama and Quiz competitions to the winners. The two best paper presentations were also awarded by the Chief Guest. The First Best Paper award with a cash prize of Rs. 1500/- was won by Dr. Prasenjit Panda, Asst. Professor, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur and the Second Best Paper award with a cash prize of Rs. 1000/- by Mr. Vikas Chandani, Research Scholar, Guru GhasidasVishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur. The certificate of the Best Chapter Award won by Bilaspur Chapter for the second time was presented by Mrs.Barik to the members of the chapter.
            In her address Mrs. Barik expressed her pleasure in being part of such an academic event. She was delighted with the response of students and their active participation. Recounting her own days as a student and her reading of Shakespeare she praised the efforts of ELT@I Bilaspur Chapter for organizing the event.  Dr.SheelaTiwari in her address revealed her depth and insight on Shakespearean plays by narrating the dialogues of The Merchant of Venice. Mr.Chawla spoke eloquently on the topic of the seminar and enthralled the audience with his knowledge of Shakespeare. The seminar came to a successful finale with the vote of thanks rendered by Dr. G. A. Ghanshyam, who thanked the guests for their encouraging presence and support that made this event possible. The co-host of the event, D.L.S. PG. College, the chairman Mr. Basant Sharma and the staff, were profoundly thanked for their cooperation and assistance. Dr. Ghanshyam also expressed his gratefulness to       Mr. Surinder Singh Chawla and Career Point World School for their continued support in every endeavour of ELT@I Bilaspur Chapter. Last but not the least he thanked his team of ELT@I Bilaspur Chapter for their dedicated efforts that made Shakespeare Alive 2016 a grand success.


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